
Inkdrop frames
Inkdrop frames

inkdrop frames
  1. Inkdrop frames install#
  2. Inkdrop frames code#
  3. Inkdrop frames windows#

Clone the forked repository to the directory named motif-preview in the local filesystem.To create a preview theme, do the following: Let's create your first theme which is called motif-preview. Tip: Preview themes should end with -preview. Inkdrop's CSS Variables are defined in src/definitions/globals/variables.less, and you can change them by editing src/themes/default/globals/site.variables. The CSS Variables let Inkdrop give meaningful names for styles of the UI components, for example, -note-list-bar-background variable styles the background of the note list bar. Don't worry, it's mostly same as variables in LESS. You may not be familiar with it because it's new technology. Inkdrop's UI elements are styled with CSS variables. It's mostly common in customizing the UI elements with it, so their documentation is very helpful to learn. You may notice that the styling UI is based on Semantic UI. Enable the theme via the " UI Theme" drop-down in the "Themes" tab of the Preferences.

Inkdrop frames install#

Run npm install to install dependencies.Clone the forked repository to the local filesystem.fork the Inkdrop's default UI theme repository on GitHub.Tip: UI themes should end with -ui or for dark theme -dark-ui. You may notice that the editor is built based on CodeMirror, you can also import various existing theme built for CodeMirror.Īfter making changes, reload the app to reflected changes.

Inkdrop frames code#

These selectors style different parts of code in the editor such as comments, strings and the line numbers in the gutter. Then open styles/default.less and modify the various selectors that have already been defined. Open up styles/colors.less to change the various color variables which have already been defined. Enable the theme via the " Syntax Theme" drop-down in the "Themes" tab of the Preferences.Reload Inkdrop using Alt+Cmd+Ctrl+L / Alt+Ctrl+L.Run ipm link -dev to symlink your repository to ~/Library/Application Support/inkdrop/dev/packages.Change the name of the theme in the theme's package.json file.Let Inkdrop run in Development Mode by selecting the menu Inkdrop > Preferences on macOS or File > Settings on Windos and Linux, clicking the General tab on the left hand navigation, and check the " Development Mode", then reload the app by pressing Alt+Cmd+Ctrl+L / Alt+Ctrl+L.Open a terminal in the forked theme's directory.Clone the forked repository to the directory named motif-syntax in the local filesystem.fork the Inkdrop's sample repository on GitHub.To create a syntax theme, do the following: Let's create your first theme which is called motif-syntax. Tip: Syntax themes should end with -syntax. You can find existing themes to install or fork in the Inkdrop themes registry.Your theme's package.json must contain a theme key with a value of ui, syntax or preview for Inkdrop to recognize and load it as a theme.This file is used to help distribute your theme to Inkdrop users. You may also want to review the concept of a package.json (as covered in Inkdrop package.json).If you aren't familiar with its syntax, take a few minutes to familiarize yourself. Less is a superset of CSS, but it has some really handy features like variables.

inkdrop frames

  • CSS Variables are entities defined by CSS authors which contain specific values to be reused throughout a document.
  • Themes are pretty straightforward but it's still helpful to be familiar with a few things before starting: Themes can be also installed with Inkdrop Plugin Manager.

    Inkdrop frames windows#

    Themes can be changed from Preferences which you can open by selecting the Inkdrop > Preferences on macOS or File > Settings on Windows and Linux, and clicking the Themes tab on the left hand navigation. Preview themes style the header, texts, code blocks and other elements inside the preview view. Syntax themes style the note, gutter and other elements inside the editor view. UI themes style elements such as the side view, the note list, drop-down lists, and the tool bar. Inkdrop supports three types of themes: UI, Syntax and Preview. Don't worry if you haven't heard of Less before it's just like CSS, but with a few handy extensions. Inkdrop's interface is rendered using HTML, and it's styled via Less which is a superset of CSS.

    Inkdrop frames